John MacQuarrie

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Hey. I'm a maths lecturer at the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG) in Brazil. I was born in Glasgow, Scotland, and when it's convenient I'm half Irish. I did my undergrad (in maths) at the University of St Andrews and my PhD (in maths!) at the University of Manchester, where I was supervised by Peter Symonds. After that I spent three years as a Heilbronn Research Fellow at the University of Bristol, and then a year as a post-doc in Brasilia, where I worked with Pavel Zalesski.

I'm an algebraist and more specifically a representation theorist, with two main general lines of interest: modular representations of finite and profinite groups, and representations of finite dimensional and pseudocompact associative algebras. There's a bit more detail in the "Research" section.

My (usually basically up-to-date) CV is on the fantastically convenient Currículo Lattes system, it's here. To get it in English click on "English" near the top.

If you prefer, you can get this site in Portuguese by clicking the obvious tab on the left.